DiR has organised 2 days workshop by CCE on 13th & 14th July2019. Kindly click here to now more http://www.dirsvkm.com/events/cce-2019/

About CCE:

CCE is an  international, cooperative, research based organization established to  promote, educate and invent in creative pedagogy. We operate in the fields of  pre-primary, primary, secondary and higher secondary education system reform, quality  assessment, performance d e v e l o p m e n t , professional development and t e a c h e r training,  as well as supporting innovations in vocational and higher e d u c a t i o n . Our goal is to bring creativity in  routine e d u c a t i o n which will help the students to learn on their own and increase their curiosity, creativity and consistency. Our head office is located in Tampere, Finland but we also have other r e g i o n a l offices  like in India in Pune, Mumbai, Nashik, Bangalore and Delhi with our international and local collaborations.

Profile of Faculty:

Ms. Aysegul Aksoy – Turkey

Ayşegül  “Rosa” AKSOY (MSc),  PhD. Candidate Middle East Technical University, Ankara,   Turkey Physical Education and Sports Department

Ayşegül “Rosa” AKSOY is graduated from d e p a r t me n t  of “Physical Education & amp; Sports (PES) Teaching”   with a following “PES Teaching” and “Movement & Training S c i e n c e s ” master  degrees; with continuin g PhD.

In  the f i e l d  of “Adaptive Physical Activity”.  After her studies in Turkey,

Portugal,  France, and  international  projects she   involved, now, she    is more focused on “Technology  Integration into Inclusive PES settings”.Ms.  Aysegul  is the First  Prize winner of  Creative 100 contest organized  by Council for Creative Education in 2018  for her project,’ Thinking out of box; Technology integration into preservice Physical Educatıon teachers’ education on Inclusive Physıcal Educatıon’.

Ms Amelia Wildman – United States  of America

Amelia Wildman is a PhD student in Curriculum & Education Technology at The College   of W i l l i a m & M a r y in Williamsburg , Virginia. Her M A E d . is in Gifted Education.   Before m o v i n g to Virginia, she taught secondary social studies and English in Texas and    has written c u r r i c u l u m for social studies, science, and English used in online learning.  Her current research interests are in creativity, digital literacy, maker spaces, and teacher professional development.

Ms Amelia is  a young researcher in the field of digital education where she has developed the techniques for teaching History using digital technology.She is  working as   a s u b j e c t matter  expert and curriculum  writer f o r O O P S . OOPS, LLC equips educators a n d    small business professionals with “Just-In-Time” strategies to     counter t h e unpredictable challenges or “OOPS” moments inherent in organizational management and technology integration.

Ms Amelia is the winner of Creative  100 contest organized by Council for Creative Education in 2018  for her project,’ Harnessing Imagination through Digital   Storytelling in the History & Science Classrooms’.

Mr   Heramb    Kulkarni – Finland

Head,  ICT Development  and Strategy, CCE Finland Speaker and   trainer on E d u T e c h a n d i n n o v a t i o n  across 12 c o u n t r i e s . Strategy Consultant to many governments including the  Kingdom of Bahrain, Govt of India – Delhi, Chhattisgarh. Research area: Edutech     learning solutions for large classrooms. Trained more than 5200+ teachers, Educators, leaders on  strategy and ICT innovations Held key positions at Nokia, Lucent Technologies – Bell Labs and Accenture, Certified  Six Sigma Black Belt and Scrum Master.

Heramb  consults  many governments and  large organizations across 3 continents, Europe, Asia and  Africa within key countries like Denmark, USA, Bahrain,  Nigeria and Indian states like Delhi, Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra.  His research areas are educational technology and creativity, global education  reforms and collaborative innovations. As an educator, social entrepreneur and technology wizard,  he is on the advisory board of many e d u c a t i o n a l institutes and i n n o v a t i v e s t a r t -ups  across Europe and India. He has h e l d leadership p o s i t i o n s a c r o s s l a r g e MNCs   l i k e N o k i a , L u c e n t Technologies, Skyworks and Accenture with vast experience in technology, architecture and  software development domain.

Mrs Shirin Kulkarni – Finland

Research Director and  Co-founder of Council for Creative  Education, CCE Finland

Entrepreneur, Researcher, Teacher Trainer a n d w r i t e r in the f i e l d  of creativity in education and educational psychology.

Numerous  articles and  book chapters published   about creativity and education in various international newspapers, journals, eBooks  and paper books.Total research experience in the field of psychology and education for 12+years

International speaker and Trainer:Speaks on Creativity in education, Nurturing Creativity, Creativity as a life-skill, Comparative studies in Education  systems, Teacher education, Indology (Indian studies- Panchatantra- Narrative learning approach), Vedic education systems(Ancient Indian Education) already given in countries like Finland, Denmark, U.S.A., U.K, Curacao, Israel

Specialities: CII (Creativity-identity Interaction) model

Comparative studies in Education

Winner of Golden Women Award 2015 in the Science and Innovation category

Recipient of University of Tampere Foundation’s Research Grant

Developed all the   training for CCE start from   scratch and trained more than   12000 teachers altogether. Trained the teachers and principals to develop their schools blending the creative methods based on Finnish education system with the best practices from the local education system. This unique approach has been appreciated by educators worldwide.  Shirin is currently the only researcher who has done the comparative study of the Indian education system with the Finnish education system.

Main focus of this seminar & programme schedule  will be: –

  • The child’s development and the development of their learning methods or strategies
  • The character and conditions of the different  life crises within the first 20 years of our lifetime
  • The change of authority d u r i n g t h i s development and the pedagogical implications for both teachers and parents
  • Modern parenthood and the challenges of our time
  • Children which are not seen and appreciated in school
  • How  to help the c h i l d r e n to develop a  strong life competence, regardless whether  they are good in school or not
  • Working with children in adolescence
  • How to  create a good r e l a t i o n b e t w e e n teachers and  parents, between teachers and between the leadership and the teachers
  • Good ways to prevent  and to solve conflicts
  • Living education, creative teaching…

Training  Modules: These  programs are meant  for Teachers, Educators  and leaders of our educational institutes.

  • Creativity in Education:
    • What is Creativity? Big C – Small C
    • 21st Century and Need of Creativity.
    • How to develop creativity?
    • Teacher’s role in Creativity.
    • Creativity in routine things.
    • Learning should be more than Teaching.
    • Learning methods Vs Teaching methods.
  • Creative Pedagogy:
    • The aim of this session is to introduce and aware about the larger role of education in an upcoming century.
    • Make you well equipped to create the encouraging learning environment at your respective places.
    • How to develop step by step “Lesson Plan” and its importance.
    • Assessment methods for Teachers.
    • Encourage students and make them responsible.
    • Create stress-free environment with the help of students.
  •  Educational Strategy: Teacher as a “Facilitator”.
    • How they developed their Educational policy?
    • Developing and innovating in assessment, feedback and the curriculum (recognizing, while staying true to understood and respected disciplinary norms, that there are many aspects of student ability that should be assessed).
    • Making effective and appropriate changes through research to the management and organisation of teaching (in order to make best use of our abilities and facilities to help students learn).
    • Building a supportive learning community (supportive learning environment for all students).
  • Education Technology: Understanding the Finnish Education System and its working with practical examples and workshop by the Finnish and international teachers / Educators
  • Understanding the importance of the ICT as a foundation stone
  • Understanding and building ICT / Digital education culture in your school/ university
  • Focus on critical teaching tasks and let technology do the rest
  • Get to know student’s favorite mobile apps for learning
  • Communicate better with external stakeholders
  • Practical experience and class observations in Finnish schools
  • Interactions with teachers, Principals, support staff
  • Hands on experience of various creative methods and activities as an actual Finnish classroom through workshops