Your Path..
DiR offers career advising, professional school advising, employment and internship opportunities, and career development resources. DiR works with students and alums of SVKM and postdoctoral scholars to clarify career aspirations, identify opportunities, and offer support at every stage of career development.
Get Adviced
- DiR has a team of expert career advisers to help you navigate your career path. Whether you are completely undecided or know exactly what you would like to try, our career advisors can help you on your path. Check out our on-line resources and connect with an adviser today!
- Each year DiR hosts over one hundred fifty programs and workshops for students to learn about careers and higher degree programs, interact with professionals, and build basic career skills.

Get Prepared
- Developing a well-thought out professional narrative to market yourself to employers is essential to an effective career search, particularly for advanced degree students and alums who are considering a transition away from an academic position. It will establish the picture of you that potential employers take away from your resume and interviews. While an academic CV presents a straightforward portrayal of your research and teaching strengths, a resume can be molded to place different emphases on your strengths, skills and interests.
- It is important to devote time to thinking about about your skills and experiences and how you would like to market them to employers. After all, if you don’t have a clear idea of your professional narrative, it will be difficult for employers to discern it. Developing a professional narrative allows you to take control!
Get Hired
- As you consider your many career choices, OCS is here to help you create your path, learn about different jobs and employers, and ultimately try out careers through various short-term experiences and internships.
- There is no “one size fits all” way to get hired.The process varies depending on individual goals and idndustry specific timelies and protocols.

Our Belief
- Our Statement of Beliefs unites and guides our members, chapters, and coalitions as they select local issues on which to focus their organizing.
- Funding, tools, talent, and opportunities must be organized and distributed to measurably meet student needs – this includes targeting additional support to youth with the greatest demonstrated needs.
- Faculties have more influence on student learning than any other factor in institutions.We support teachers in achieving measurable progress in student learning and continually refine their craft to do so – regardless of where they were trained.
Major Goal
One of the major goals of the department is to make students globally more employable. For this, the department has been arranging various types of activities and programmes on regular bases. The details of these programmes and the statistics are as under.

Pre-Placement Module
The module includes the general topics related to the students’ placement. It takes into consideration the common employment process. Thus, it combines Resume crafting, group discussion, interviewing skills, FAQs of an interview, grooming etc into one. Apart from these, if there is any special need in some particular case of students or company that is to recruit the students, that also is being addressed.Mock interviews
Once the pre placement module is offered, at the end of it there is a mock interview round as per the requirement of the particular institute, in which the departmental members along with the subject experts from the institute form an interview panel for the practice of the interview. This helps students feel confident for the real interview.
The data of the pre placement sessions the department has conducted in last two years is as under: